Software-as-a-Service Support Policy

Last updated September 2, 2022

This Cequence Support Policy (“Support Policy”) applies to Customer’s access and use of the applicable SaaS purchased under the Software-as-a-Service Agreement or SaaS Agreement (the “Agreement”).
1. Cequence Support Service Offerings
Cequence offers Standard and Premium Support Services as described below.
The following timetable is for Standard and Premium Support Services for the SaaS:
Support Type Standard Support
(included in the fees for the SaaS Subscription)
Premium Support
(additional fees required)
Severity Initial Response Time Initial Response Time
Critical < 1 Hour <30 minutes
High 4 Business Hours* 2 Business Hours*
Medium 1 Business Day 6 Business Hours*
Low 5 Business Days 2 Business Days
* Business Hours defined by the local time of the authorized technical contact.
2. Priority Levels
Customer shall reasonably self-diagnose each support issue and recommend to Cequence an appropriate Priority Level (as defined below). Cequence shall validate Customer’s Priority Level designation or notify Customer of a proposed change in the Priority Level designation to a higher or lower level with justification for the proposal. In the event of a conflict regarding the appropriate Priority Level designation, each party shall promptly escalate such conflict to its management team for resolution through consultation between the parties’ management, during which time the parties shall continue to handle the support issue in accordance with the Cequence Priority Level designation. In the event a conflict requires a management discussion, both parties shall be available within two (2) hours of the escalation.
Priority Level Description
Critical The SaaS is unavailable, which critically affects Customer’s production environment. Customer observes a complete loss of service. A workaround is not yet available.
High The SaaS is down such that Customer is significantly impacted and cannot execute one or more important business processes. No workaround or alternative is available.
Medium The SaaS performance is substantially degraded or restricted and exposed to potential interruption. A workaround exists but is not optimal.
Low No impact to the functionality of the SaaS or Customer’s production environment or business. This includes requests about the SaaS, such as an enhancement, information, documentation, and how-to questions. There is no loss of service.
3. Support Portal Features
Cequence makes its online Support Services available through the following methods:
3.1 Cequence Support Portal. Customer may create a case through Zendesk (, in order to expedite its questions being answered, share documentation, and provide additional information about its case.
3.2 Knowledge Based Articles. Cequence’s Support Portal includes a library of Knowledge Base Articles designed to provide Customer with solutions and technical documents that contain information about common problems and steps to resolve the issues. These Knowledge Base Articles enable Customer to draw of the experience of other Cequence customers, partners, and experts. Cequence also posts notifications about new releases of the SaaS.
3.3 Case Management. Customer may create, update, manage, and track Customer’s case online. For more information, see Case Submission.
3.4 Announcements. Cequence posts announcements, release notes, and alerts on a regular basis concerning the SaaS.
4. Support Hours and Language
4.1 Support Hours. Cequence makes Support Services available 24x7x365.
4.2 Support Language. Cequence offers the Support Services in English as is the primary language.
5. Case Submission
Customer may submit a case as follows:
    1. Open and login to the Cequence Support Portal. If Customer is a new user, click here to register on the Cequence Support Portal.
    2. Click the Submit a Case option under the Support Quick Links section.
    3. On the Submit a New Case page, provide the following information to assist the Support Services team:
      • Issue description, priority, and case type.
      • SaaS details, such as Cequence CQAI SaaS or Cequence API Spartan SaaS, and operating system details.
      • Attachments that include screen captures of the issue, log files, and other relevant information.
  1. When Customer enters the case details, related articles will be displayed to help resolve issues. If the suggested articles do not provide the information required, Customer may proceed to Submit a Case.
  2. Click Submit a Case. After submitting a case, Customer may (i) track the status of the case, (ii) add comments online, or (iii) change the priority of the case or escalate the case.
  3. Information to Provide During Case Submission. While resolving Customer’s case, the support engineer will request that Customer provide key information or perform certain tasks. Customer may be required to perform the following tasks:
    • Provide clear description and system information while reporting an issue.
    • Provide specific logs from the system and perform tests to generate debug logs.
    • Involve networking, database, or other technology-specific administrators to help troubleshoot the issue.
    • Involve relevant third-party software vendors or hardware vendors wherever required.