
Introducing API Bites from Cequence Security!

September 27, 2022 | 2 MIN READ

by Varun Kohli

API Bites with Cequence Security - API Security Videos

Live from anywhere, it’s API Bites! A few years ago, Gartner predicted that by 2022, API attacks would become the most-frequent attack vector, causing data breaches for enterprise business applications. The most recent Cequence Security API Usage and Threat Report found that 14.4 billion or 70% of the 21.1 billion application requests analyzed were API-based. In addition, our analysis uncovered that 80% of the attacks Cequence Security blocked were targeting APIs.

Enterprises are more dependent on APIs than ever before and protecting them is critical. Therefore, we are launching this vblog series, that complements our recently launched – Back to School Roadshows, and API Protection Best Practices weekly webinar series. Each Tuesday, we will bring to you our musings on all things API Protection to help you better secure your APIs from attacks or bites (pun intended).

Our approach will be for API Bites to provide a stream of snackable advice to the cybersecurity community to help you better protect your organization. Our snackable videos will include information on:

  • Why our founders started Cequence eight years ago and its evolution
  • Customer stories as they protect their APIs, and their business
  • API Protection best practices
  • On the front lines: insights from our CQ Prime Threat Research team
  • New product updates and managed services enhancements
  • Guest Bites from our investors, customers, and industry influencers.
  • Technology trends

In celebration of being founded eight years ago, we dropped our first API Bites episode with our founders Ameya Talwalkar and Shreyans Mehta today. You will find additional episodes on our website here and on YouTube.

Varun Kohli


Varun Kohli


Varun Kohli, CMO at Cequence, formerly led marketing teams at Feedzai, Symantec, McAfee and ArcSight. Featured in major publications and broadcasts, Varun has contributed to 9 successful company exits. He holds degrees from IIT Guwahati, UC Riverside and UC Berkeley.

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