
Working at Cequence Security

November 10, 2018 | 3 MIN READ

by Larry Link

working at Cequence Security

Prospective employees frequently inquire about our company culture at Cequence Security, so I thought I would share my thoughts on the topic. Before I do that, it makes sense to define mission and culture, as those two topics go hand in hand.

A mission declares an organization’s purpose, or why it exists, while the company culture reflects the values and actions of each member of the Cequence team in pursuit of the company mission and goals.

So, what makes our company special and a great place to work? Let’ start with our mission – to empower our customers with innovative security solutions that protect their Internet-facing web, mobile and API application infrastructure from cyber-attacks, while also improving the operational efficiency of their IT staff.

The company culture that supports our mission has many components and is difficult to describe in a couple of statements, but at the core we’re fanatical about the following:

  1. High growth/fast pace. Tripling our business and doubling our headcount year over year. Embracing agile development with 2-week sprints to deliver new features and capabilities that delight our customers. We are on a mission to rapidly improve application security.
  2. Engagement up and down the company including our customers and business partners. We are passionate and committed to the mission. To paraphrase the fable of the Chicken and the Pig, we are a company full of pigs fully committed, there are no chickens in the building.
  3. Not all heroes wear capes. We believe in frequently recognizing and rewarding the people on the team who are busting their tail and making a difference for our customers.
  4. Teamwork. We are collaborative inside the organization and with our customers. We don’t have fixed organizational lines, everyone pitches in to reach our lofty goals. We don’t sell to our customers, rather we enter into partnerships with our customers and we become extensions of their team.
  5. We have fun. We’re family, we genuinely like working together and have fun together. We laugh a lot. When you’re working at a startup, you see your startup family more than you see your personal family, so it’s important to have fun together.

Having worked in Silicon Valley for many years, it’s unusual to find a start-up where the mission and the culture are unified like this. It also creates great employment opportunities for talented people anxious to embrace the mission and culture; and make a positive difference. If this sounds compelling to you, let’s talk!

Larry Link


Larry Link

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