
Safeguarding Financial Health: Why CFOs Should Prioritize API Security

November 1, 2023 | 5 MIN READ

by Wei Wang

Cequence CFO perspective on the financial implications of data breaches

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly relying on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to drive innovation, streamline operations, and enhance customer experiences. However, as organizations harness the power of APIs, a new and critical concern arises: API security. While it might be tempting for CFOs to leave the technicalities to the IT or Security departments, API security holds profound financial implications that demand their attention. In this blog, we explore why CFOs should make API security a top priority to protect their organization’s financial health.

The Cost of Data Breaches

In an era defined by data, the consequences of a security breach are more far-reaching than ever before. API vulnerabilities can serve as an open door for malicious actors to access sensitive customer data, proprietary business information, and financial records. For example, Fashion retailer Forever 21 revealed that attackers accessed the names, dates of birth, bank account information, and Social Security numbers of over 500,000 customers earlier this year. The financial repercussions of such breaches are significant. Regulatory fines, legal settlements, customer compensation, and the cost of remediation can quickly spiral into millions of dollars, severely impacting the bottom line.

Regulatory Compliance and Financial Penalties

Today’s business environment is rife with regulations aimed at safeguarding data privacy and security. Organizations that fail to adequately secure their APIs run the risk of non-compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA. The fines and penalties associated with non-compliance can be crippling, and CFOs must recognize that neglecting API security could lead to substantial financial liabilities.

Reputational Damage and Customer Trust

In the digital age, an organization’s reputation is an invaluable asset. A breach resulting from poor API security can tarnish the brand’s image, erode customer trust, lead to a loss of business, or even result in the business closing down. Rebuilding a damaged reputation takes time and resources, and the financial losses from diminished customer loyalty can impact revenues for years to come.

Operational Disruption and Productivity Loss

When a breach occurs, the immediate aftermath can disrupt operations, causing downtime, productivity loss, and increased costs. Restoring systems, investigating the breach, and ensuring business continuity demand significant resources that translate into real financial impact. CFOs should recognize that the longer it takes to address and recover from a breach, the greater the financial strain on the organization.

Prioritizing API Security Can Lower Insurance Costs

To hedge against the financial risks of data breaches, many companies invest in cybersecurity insurance. However, insurance premiums are heavily influenced by the organization’s security posture, including API security. Prioritizing API security enables CFOs to negotiate better insurance terms and lower premiums, effectively reducing the organization’s financial exposure. Employing an industry-recognized solution like Cequence API Spyder to discover your externally accessible APIs provides a solid baseline from which to work. In fact, Cequence even offers a free API security assessment.

Ensuring Partner Ecosystem Security

In today’s interconnected business landscape, APIs often serve as bridges to third-party vendors, partners, and suppliers. Weak API security not only jeopardizes your organization but also exposes partners to potential security risks. For example, in late 2021, the now-famous Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) enabled attackers to remotely execute code and potentially exfiltrate information due to weaknesses in the extremely popular open-sourced logging software. Mature companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and VMware all faced issues due to their use of this widely-used software. Clearly, a breach within your partner ecosystem can lead to a cascade of security incidents, impacting the financial health of multiple stakeholders.

Long-Term Viability and Innovation

APIs are instrumental in driving innovation, customer engagement, and operational efficiency. As your organization embraces digital transformation, secure APIs become essential for long-term viability and competitiveness. By prioritizing API security, CFOs are not only safeguarding against immediate threats but also positioning their organization for sustained growth in an increasingly digital future.

Questions You Should Feel Comfortable Asking

Here’s five questions CFOs should be comfortable asking their InfoSec team. The answers directly influence your organization’s financial security and health.

    1. How many externally-facing APIs do we have, and how do we know this information is accurate?
    2. What percentage of our APIs are documented/have up to date specifications?
    3. What percentage of our APIs have been tested and show OWASP API Security Top 10 vulnerabilities? What is our goal/target percentage, and what is the plan to achieve this goal
    4. Do we see an increase in account take over (ATO) and fraud before holidays and other large events? If so, what are we doing to reduce this exposure?
    5. In light of new guidance now available from the CFPB on Dodd-Frank, do we currently employ or allow screen-scraping to share data? What is our plan to move to more modern, secure data exchange mechanisms?


API security is no longer a mere technical concern; it’s a strategic imperative that directly impacts the financial health of an organization. CFOs play a pivotal role in managing financial risks, regulatory compliance, and reputational integrity. By championing API security initiatives, CFOs can ensure that their organizations thrive in a digital world while safeguarding against the financial fallout of security breaches. As technology continues to reshape industries, the proactive protection of API assets is a financial responsibility that cannot be ignored.

Wei Wang


Wei Wang

Chief Financial Officer

Wei Wang, CFO at Cequence Security, has held senior finance roles at Ordr, Versa Networks, and Cohesity, contributing to significant financing rounds and corporate growth. Her career spans leadership positions at Hewlett Packard, Juniper Networks, and PerkinElmer.

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