
What’s New: Managed API Security Services

February 12, 2023 | 3 MIN READ

by Muzaffer Pasha

Managed API Security Services

Cequence Managed Services is a supplemental Unified API Protection solution offering that extends and complements your security team’s expertise resulting in more rapid deployment and adoption of end-to-end API protection. The Managed Services offering allows your team to focus on the API security incidents that matter in a timely, responsive, and collaborative manner that reduces the daily pressures of overstretched security teams.

Available since mid 2022, Cequence Managed Services is delivered by our team of API threat protection experts who are experienced in securing billions of API and web-based transactions for some of the top Fortune 50 organizations. Unlike other managed services provided by other application security vendors, Cequence Managed Services is unique in its’ singular focus on APIs, providing complementary discovery, monitoring and protection assistance.
Cequence Managed Services is comprised of three subscription based modules:

Managed API Discovery and Risk Monitoring Service

API discovery and risk monitoring managed service is offered by Cequence to help manage customer deployments of API Spyder and API Sentinel, two modules of the Cequence UAP solution. Customers receive assistance in the optimal configuration and management of API Spyder and API Sentinel deployments that ensures they obtain the maximum visibility into their organization’s API attack surface and runtime API inventory. This allows customers to have a better understanding of application risk posture and surface critical security issues that require immediate remediation. Cequence threat researchers will provide expert recommendations on how customers can remediate critical security issues to better their application security posture.

Managed Threat Protection Service

Threat protection managed service is offered by Cequence to help manage customer deployment of API Spartan, a module of the Cequence UAP solution. Cequence provides advanced monitoring that detects sophisticated cyberattacks that evade standard monitoring techniques. Cequence security analysts provide human guided automated incident responses that define, prioritize, and remediate detected threats, ensuring that for every attack, there is a response. Cequence further provides threat consulting to each customer that outline critical risks that surfaced from each application and key recommendations to fortify your API application protection.

Managed API Edge Protection Service

Managed API edge protection service augments a customer’s Cequence API Spartan deployment with a cloud web application firewall (WAF), distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection, and transport layer security (TLS) certificate provisioning. This service is only available to customers who have deployed API Spartan and have subscribed to the threat protection managed service. Cequence will help to deploy a web application firewall (WAF) service with a core rule set (CRS) that is configured to block OWASP Top 10 attack categories and work with customers to minimize false positives. Cequence will also help to deploy a DDoS protection service to protect applications against large scale DDoS attacks that aim to disrupt business applications, minimizing downtime and latency. Finally, Cequence provides automated provisioning and management of publicly trusted TLS certificates that enable secure communication between your application and clients.
To learn more about Cequence Managed Services, please click on the additional resources below:

Additional Resources:

Muzaffer Pasha


Muzaffer Pasha

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Muzaffer Pasha has over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity, cloud, and infrastructure companies. He is passionate about cybersecurity and working on security products that aim to defeat cybercriminal activity.

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